When I was waiting in the car.

It’s the first shooting in 2011 year and I can’t wait to see what I will be done this year. We were on the street in Old Pasadena and I loved this place all the time. I felt more comfortable than LA.

In this image, she stood across the street and waved hand to me. I was waiting for her in the car. Just like the screen, but no one actually.

MG 9411

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Screen shot 2010-10-22.png

웹언어 그런거 전혀 몰라서 iLife 에 들어 있는 iWeb 으로 만들었습니다. 많은 시행착오를 겪었지만 그래도 나름 만족하며 일단 이렇게 지내야 할 것 같습니다. 더이상은 한계예요. 암튼, 자주 방문해 주시면 감사하겠습니다.

미국 앰트랙 기차여행


미국 기차여행을 계획 중
여행시작 전
Day 1 Los Angeles, CA to San Francisco, CA
Day 2 2nd Day in San Francisco, CA
Day 3 San Francisco, CA
Day 4 Amtrak from Oakland, CA to Seattle, WA
Day 5 Seattle, WA
Day 6 Last day in Seattle, WA
Day 7-9 Amtrak from Seattle, WA to Chicago, IL
Day 10 Chicago, IL
Day 11 Chicago, IL
Day 12 만남과 헤어짐
Day 13 Washington D.C.
Day 14 – Washington D.C.
Day 15 – Pittsburgh, PA
Day 16-20 New York City Part 1
Day 16-20 New York City Part 2
Day 16-20 New York City Part 3
Day 21-23 Atlanta, GA
Day 23-25 Nashville, TN
Day 26-29 Memphis, TN
Day 30 Los Angeles, CA
미국 앰트랙 기차여행 슬라이드쇼
앰트랙 여행 약간의 팁